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Sahaḥ Unshackled Minds

Mental Strength Coaching for 
Aspiring Individuals

Auckland, New Zealand

Regina wearing hot pink heels in a bath of balls

 Ready to live a life worth living?

Many of our clients get caught up in the relentless grind and burnout
of their go-getter roles, but what they’re really seeking is to:

Lead their squads confidently and get that solid nod of respect and buy-in for their ideas.

Nail that sweet spot between killing it at work and living authentically in their personal life.

Kick-off every Monday with a buzz, ready to get into the week with fresh vibes and clear goals.

Stop playing small and unleash their real potential.

Dave and Regine sitting at a desk with laptops

We’ve been there 

Like you, we grew up in the challenges that make millennials unique: entering the workforce in a recession, the rise of social media, 9/11, COVID-19 pandemic. 

We understand how it feels to be in high-demand roles and what it takes to sustain career advancement and a fulfilling life

Millennials now make up most of the workforce globally and take on leadership roles. 

But we saw Millennial leaders struggling with burnout and feeling stuck in their high-demand roles.

We founded Sahaḥ because we know how much potential we have as a generation.

We don't need to be limited by how previous generations in senior leadership roles believe we should 'toughen up'.

Nothing is more important than making sure that we, the new generation of leaders, are given the right support at the right time.

Sahaḥ Unshackled Minds sprang from a genuine need to address Millennials' unique challenges as we step into leadership roles in an ever-evolving global landscape. 

Having personally navigated the pressures of advancing in demanding careers while juggling life’s big moves—like relocating cities and managing a young family amid economic fluctuations—we saw a gap in mainstream life and leadership coaching methods. 

The coaching we provide at Sahaḥ aims to revolutionise coaching with a program grounded in neuroscience and focused on building mental strength (Control, Commitment, Challenge, Commitment) to enhance mental performance and well-being. And is specifically tailored to empower Millennial and younger leaders.

Hi, I’m Regine Francisco

Having experienced the burnout and mental health struggles that come with being a high-achiever, I understand why the existing leadership support and company incentives are no longer working for younger leaders.

I don't believe in 'slowing down' or 'taking it easy'.

Self-compassion is understanding how we maximise our potential at the intersection of mental performance and well-being. We don't need to sacrifice achievement for well-being or vice versa, nor should we sacrifice family for career or vice versa.

Behind my academic achievements, successful career, and entrepreneurship was a girl who struggled to find her place and fulfilment.

I always knew that I was made for more, but I didn't know what 'more' looked like.

I was burnt out and wasn't sure if the portal to true work-life fulfillment existed.

Today, I am living a life I love, pursuing a career that lights me up, and happily married to the love of my life.

I have over ten years of experience in multinational companies and have held leadership positions in high-performing teams. I’ve also founded or co-founded three start-ups. 

I’m a certified Results Coach and on the leadership team of the International Coach Federation (ICF) New Zealand Chapter. With a solid foundation in Business Management, I bring well-rounded expertise to our coaching sessions.

Regine sitting at Auckland waterfront

"I believe in balance - no burnout, no slowing down."

Hi, I’m Dave Sharma 

I am passionate about mentoring young leaders. I have a wealth of leadership experience, having managed teams in international hotel brands and founded three businesses.

I encourage you to embrace authenticity, take risks, and pursue your ambitions.

Beyond my professional journey, my personal story—from a less privileged background to successful ventures —exemplifies the resilience and confidence you need to succeed.

I assist in delivering our transformative programs and am your go-to person for all your burning questions and epic moments with the business.

Outside work, I’m a home-based comedian and full-time cat dad, and I enjoy running and exploring the great outdoors.

Dave Sharma at Auckland waterfront

"Think Positive. Stay Happy. Take Action!."

Willi the cat

Hi, I’m Willi 

Director of Pawsomeness.

My role is to make sure we stay true to our values and commitment to ourselves and our clients, and ensure the pantry is always full. :)

Here at Sahaḥ, we pride ourselves on being part of the 7% of registered coaches who are Millennials, offering a unique perspective that’s rare in the coaching industry. 

We’re here to do more than just coach; we’re here to build a community of visionary leaders who are ready to challenge the status quo and redefine success.

The values that guide our work with you

We believe that having fun is essential and that it doesn’t mean sacrificing authenticity for professionalism. 

We create an atmosphere that energises and inspires everyone, making having fun while achieving serious results possible.

 Transformational Impact

We’re committed to staying responsive to the ever-changing needs of Millennial leaders. Our methods are fluid, our strategies are innovative, and our approach is always tailored to meet your needs, ensuring relevance and effectiveness in a rapidly shifting world.

Integrity and Excellence

Integrity is the cornerstone of our practice. At Sahaḥ, every action is taken with the highest ethical standards, and our commitment to excellence is unwavering. We challenge the status quo and reject the 'one-size-fits-all' approach, choosing instead to pioneer paths that lead to exceptional outcomes for our clients.

Empowered Authenticity

We champion authenticity as a key driver of success. We encourage everyone to fully embrace their true selves. By fostering an environment where authenticity is celebrated, we empower individuals to bring their entire selves to their roles, enhancing personal satisfaction and professional performance.

Mental Strength coaching for aspiring & ambitious individuals and leaders

1:1 Coaching

 1:1 & Group Coaching

Tailor-made coaching that digs deep into your personal challenges and skyrockets your leadership capabilities.

Resilience training with Regine

Training & Workshops

Interactive workshops designed to equip you with the tools and strategies for resilience and high performance in your career.

Guest speaker online or in person

Guest Speaker

Engaging speaking events that inspire and energise your team with powerful insights and actionable advice.

Transform your work & life and achieve unstoppable success

Fill in our
application form

Go right ahead and tell us what’s going on. We’ll book time to talk about how we help you or your Millennial employees.

Book your session whenever it works for you

We work with people all over the world, so book a time that works for you. Or come and hang out with us in Auckland.

Unleash your

Get the support, techniques and tools to experience the freedom and confidence you’re looking for.